By joining the DBI community, you and your business will benefit from some of the most cutting edge learning opportunities and events. DBI works with a range of brilliant partners, to include global technology giants and indigenous businesses to bring a suite of supports that include webinars, guidance, reports, and eLearning which can only benefit your business, as it scales and thrives in a boundaryless world.
Upcoming DBI Events
National Digital Awards
The National Digital Awards are a core pillar of our extensive events programme, and we are proud to have many of Ireland’s foremost digital suppliers as our category sponsors, and equally to have the support of an industry-leading judging panel.
In addition, we wish to acknowledge the longstanding support of our title sponsor, PTSB, who has paved the way for businesses on their digital journeys, and who has enabled so many members of Digital Business Ireland to grow and thrive online.
Upcoming Partner Events
Shoptalk Europe
Shoptalk Europe – Europe’s most senior retail innovation show is back.
Taking place on 3-5 June in Barcelona, Shoptalk Europe will unite the continent’s most senior community of 4,000+ decision makers (1 in 3 C-suite) from the most influential retailers, brands, tech providers, investors and analysts to reimagine tomorrow’s digital innovations instore and online.
Register by 1 December to grab your Earlybird ticket and save €1,600 off the full price!